Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Playground equipment for my garden

What are gardens for? For grass lawns, flowers, plants, trees? For adults only? No, that should not be the case. Family often have young children. Even if the children have grown up, married and moved away, there may be grandchildren who come to visit. What are they to do? Only play within the confine of the interior of the home? No, the garden is for them too. They should be able to run around in the garden, play games, have fun. I have a grandson, the "youngest blogger" in the world and one more on the way. They need space to play when they pay me a visit. But a bare garden is not much fun to play in.

bare garden

I would have to think about getting some playground equipment for the garden. Wonder what they would like. Let me think back to my childhood. I used to love to "fly" like Superman on a swing like the one below which is similar to those swings I "flew" on when I was a kid:

garden swing

I should look around for suitable swing sets and perhaps consult my children which one might suit my grandchildren, my garden and my bydget.

However, over the years, I have seen, heard and read much about what is happening to our environment, the wasteful consumption patterns that have disastrous effects on our natural resources, I have become environmentally conscious and aiming for zero waste. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, in the year 2003, some 290 million worn tires need to be disposed. Used tires are very durable and due to the huge amount of waste tires generated, represent a major environmental problem. Used tires are hard to recycle. The best alternative to to find some way to reuse them. Why don't I do my bit for the environment and get a tire swing. I think my grandchildren will love them and the environmentalists will love me for helping keep one more used tire away from the landfill.

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